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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 16

Collected homework: Act 1 packet of questions

Journal: Who said the following and why? 1. “Is she a Capulet? O dear account, my life is my foe’s debt. 2. “My only love sprung from my only hate.”

Discussed the format of Wednesday’s test by using your book and writing out 3 direct quotations from 3 different characters from Act 1 and exchanging papers at your tables as practice - also, study the 2 families’ character lists on page 805 for test.

Graded homework Act 1 packets (and turned in)

Reviewed definitions of foils, round characters, flat characters (from yesterday)

TO BE COLLECTED TOMORROW: create a chart of characters from both families (14 total) from 805 (adding Prince and Mercutio; but not including an old man, Peter, Balthasar), proven round or flat (explain why); also, list 3 sets of foils from the play and explain why you think they are foils to each other.

ENGLISH homework:

Finish chart and foil work from above (turn in tomorrow)

Study for Romeo & Juliet Act 1 test



Check homework: a written commercial that tries to sell that thing to that classmate.

Shared some of our commercials and noted the tone of voice of the presenter as she tried to persuade.

We wrote down 3 more times in our past that we were persuaded to do something that we initially didn’t want to do and chose 1 of them. We then wrote ½ the conversation from the persuadee’s point of view (as if he was on a phone and we could only hear his side of things).

Next, we noted which persuasive tool we used (see yesterday’s list).
Our list of persuasive tools included:

1.       Minimize the consequences;
2.       Threats;
3.       Money;
4.       Guilt;
5.       Pity – relieve my hurt;
6.       Verbalize the result;
7.       Promise of something better;
8.       Once in a lifetime;
9.       Repetition;
10.    Compliment – sweet talk;
11.    Reason – common sense

Next, chose another topic, a different persuasive tool, and a different point of view (this time as the persuader). We wrote out another “phone” conversation; again, hearing only ½ the conversation.

Finally, using someone else’s conversation, write out the other ½ for them.



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