Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 17

COLLECT homework: STAPLE the graph to the back of your TYPED story.
Review vocabulary answers.

Read: “The Farmer’s Luck” by Jon J. Muth -  from Zen Shorts

Once upon the time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years.
One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

“How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.
“Maybe,” replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg.
The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

“Maybe,” answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army.

Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
“Maybe,” said the farmer.

NEXT: Answer questions 1-10…

1.            Why was the farmer lucky that his horse had run away?
2.            Why was the son lucky to have broken his leg?

3.            When is a time that you have felt lucky?
4.            What is an example of a time you felt unlucky? How was this different from feeling lucky?

5.            What do you do when you feel unlucky?
6.            Give an example of a time when you felt unlucky but as time passed realized that you were actually lucky.

7.            Describe how a person could experience bad luck but still be happy.
8.            Describe a situation where a person you know had bad luck but is still successful.

9.            Explain how you think having good luck is necessary to being successful?
10.          If luck is not necessary to being successful than what is?

Reviewed omniscient narration (pg. 233)
Previewed “The Interlopers” (read bits of beginning, middle, end; looked at illustrations; made predictions) – 2 minutes

Read “The Interlopers” by Saki – pgs. 232 – 240.
DIRECTIONS: As you read, list 3 events from the story. Then write down what each event reminds you of in your life outside of school.

For example, if we did the same thing for “The Most Dangerous Game,” I might write: When the story mentioned that Zaroff had a collection of heads, it reminded me of this kid in my grade school who always wanted to show off his collection of rare comic books.
ENGLISH homework:

Finish reading “The Interlopers” by Saki – pgs. 232 – 240.
Finish your list of 3 events from the story and explain what each event reminds you of your life outside of school. (see example above)

Study for vocabulary test on Friday (the test will have a word bank and 20 fill-in-the-blank sentences – you provide the correct vocabulary word for each sentence)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 16

COLLECT HOMEWORK: List of 25, graph of 25, vocabulary backside
Make a LIST of 10 inanimate objects.

I will collect and redistribute the GRAPHS to other classmates.
Exchange your GRAPH ONLY (not your list) with a classmate.

Choose an inanimate object
Begin brainstorm of highs and lows for your story.

TYPED paper:
Using someone’s personal plotline as a guide, write a 1ST PERSON story about an inanimate object that experiences their highs and lows in the same order as their graph. Number your typed paper 1 – 25 so the reader can track your story with their graph.

Expectations of TYPED paper:

Due tomorrow
1st person

Numbered 1 – 25 (representing all 25 points of partner’s graph)
Partner’s graph stapled onto your paper

Typed; Times New Roman 12 pt. font
EXAMPLE: 1. I was born a piece of rye toast that awoke to find myself perfectly buttered and wearing an exquisite red coat of seedless raspberry jelly. 2. Baby George’s stubby fingers were a big surprise as they smacked down on top of me, but I knew he was young and meant only to greet me warmly. 3. Man was I wrong. He was a hungry, animalistic barbarian with no signs of civility. His claw crushed me with abandon. And that noise… 4.

Login in to and answer the poll there.
ENGLISH homework:

Finish typed paper (see directions above)
Study for vocabulary test on Friday (the test will have a word bank and 20 fill-in-the-blank sentences – you provide the correct vocabulary word for each sentence)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015


Pickup this week’s vocabulary words.
TEST on “The Most Dangerous Game”

Complete BACKSIDE of vocabulary handout.
BEGIN HOMEWORK: Discussed how to create a personal plotline that includes 25 highs and lows of our own lives over the last few years – number the plotline (graph) and make a numbered key for your reference.

Use 2 sheets of paper for the following:
On paper #1: List your 25 highs and lows of our own lives over the last few years, (in code if necessary)

On paper #2: Graph your 25 points (showing the highs and lows, graphically)
ENGLISH homework:

Complete the backside of vocabulary sheet for tomorrow.
Finish graph and list of 25 (see above)

Study for vocabulary test on Friday (the test will have a word bank and 20 fill-in-the-blank sentences – you provide the correct vocabulary word for each sentence)

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015


Take prefix test – the test is named: “30-15-10 TEST #1”
Hand back 13 questions - We will review your answers.

Review: FOX outlines
Sentence “chunking” – meaningless vs. meaningful

Unscrambling sentences
Complete “chunking” exercises (divide sentences into meaningful chunks)

ENGLISH homework:
Study for Monday’s fill-in-blank and short answer test on “The Most Dangerous Game”

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

ENGLISH – 1st trimester – Day 13

Number a paper 1-11…then divide your paper into 3 columns. From memory (no peeking), fill in as many prefixes/meanings/examples as you can.
When you are done, use your PINK sheet (and use a different color – if you’ve got one), to fill in the rest of the blanks. REMINDER: Your test on these is tomorrow.

Announce NEW test date…
Study for Monday’s test fill-in-blank and short answer test on “The Most Dangerous Game”

1.            Watch: Point of View

2.            Complete POV handout…
3.            Add POV drawings to your notes.

4.            REVIEW answers to vocabulary #2 (ex. 1 only).
5.            Take out a blank piece of paper…

Take notes on the “Rules of Outlining” (get these from a classmate if absent)
6.            Using your OUTLINING notes, create an outline using all the lyrics of the song “What Does a Fox Say”...

Divide them into categories; Add headings (where necessary)
ENGLISH homework:

Study for Friday’s PREFIX test…perhaps create flashcards for the first 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” PINK master list - (a,ab,abs – hyper)
Study for Monday’s fill-in-blank and short answer test on “The Most Dangerous Game”

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 12

Imagine that “The Most Dangerous Game” was a fable for cyborgs. Write down 5 positive lessons (or truths) that cyborgs would learn from the story if we inputted it into their memories. Remember, the lessons must be positive.
For example: All people, all nationalities, are to be respected.

Quietly read the 3 definitions at the top of page 4 of your Literary Terms handout - metaphor, simile, personification.
Watch metaphor video.

Identify metaphor, simile, personification in 7 examples from “The Most Dangerous Game”
1. . . . but even you can’t see four miles or so through a moonless night.” “Nor four yards,” admitted Rainsford. Ugh? “It’s like moist black velvet.”

2. “It’s so dark,” he thought, “that I could sleep without closing my eyes; the night would be my eyelids.”
3. He struggles up to the surface and tried to cry out, but the wash from the speeding yacht slapped him in the face.

4. Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound to his ears—the most welcome he had ever heard—the muttering and growling of the sea.
5. The revolver pointed rigidly as if the giant was a statue.

6. Rainsford’s impulse was to hurl himself down like a panther.
7. Zaroff was the cat; he was the mouse.

The Types of Conflict:


Make flashcards for Friday’s prefix test.

ENGLISH homework:
Study for Friday’s PREFIX test…perhaps create flashcards for the first 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” PINK master list - (a,ab,abs – hyper)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 11

Discuss - 30-15-10 list (from Deeper Reading by Kelly Gallagher)

And how students will be tested on these every other week.
Regular vocabulary one week; 30-15-10 the next

Pick up PINK handout from center table (complete list of prefixes/roots/suffixes)
You will be tested on division #1 on Friday (a,ab,abs – hyper)

Continue work on Works Cited/Bibliography assignment (from Library Orientation) – see Mrs. Blunt in library for details.
ENGLISH homework:

Study for Friday’s PREFIX test…perhaps create flashcards for the first 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” PINK master list - (a,ab,abs – hyper)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 10

Collect homework: 13 questions + list of 10 complications (question #14)
Write down the following 6 prefixes and write down as many words as you can think of that begin with them:
1.            abs-
2.            bi-, (or bis-)
3.            epi-
4.            mis-
5.            sub-
6.            uni-
Pick up PINK handout - “30-15-10” PINK master list.
Vocabulary grades are posted.
Began work on Works Cited/Bibliography assignment (from Library Orientation) – see Mrs. Blunt in library for details.
ENGLISH homework:
Study for Friday’s PREFIX test…perhaps create flashcards for the first 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” PINK master list - (a,ab,abs – hyper)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 9

             Collect homework: 3 predictions + 7 questions on “The Most Dangerous Game”
             Take vocabulary test
             Turn in vocabulary test (on center table)…pickup up yellow sheet…
             Finish questions 1 – 13 on sheet (Most Dangerous Game REVIEW questions)
             REMEMBER: name, date, hour in upper RIGHT corner
             ADD QUESTION #14:
             Make a list of 10 conflicts/complications (large and small) from “The Most Dangerous Game”
             Next to each of your 10 conflicts…write:
             Internal or external
             People against _____?_______
o             (see your Literary Term handout for list of different conflicts)
             Choose 1 of your 10 conflicts as the MAIN CONFLICT and label it “C”

ENGLISH homework:
Finish 13 questions + list of 10 complications (see question #14 above)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 8

             Complete 10 more capitalization sentences.

             Make up a clever connection between the spelling of the vocabulary word and its definition…put your connection into a little story…
a.            For example: Licentious – Lie/Cent/Lice = morally unrestrained, immoral
i.              It is immoral if you only pay a cent for her iPad.

On the same sheet as your 3 inferences/predictions, complete (AND TURN IN TOMORROW FOR CREDIT) the following Seven Crucial Questions for “The Most Dangerous Game” using your book and your Literary Terms packet…
1. Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist?
2. What words does the author use to describe the setting/locale of the story?
3. Describe the central conflict/problem the protagonist is facing?
Is the conflict psychological, physical, or both?
4. Describe how the protagonist's personality is revealed in the story with…
1. actions
2. words
3. other characters’ words
5. List the six stages of plot (exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)…for each stage, write a sentence from the story that occurs during that stage.
6. Describe 5 different moods the author tries to create in us as we read “The Most Dangerous Game.” For each mood, name the point in the story where the author tried to get us to feel it.
7. What is the theme/message of the story?
Begin REVIEW questions 1 – 13 (see handout) from “The Most Dangerous Game”…will finish, IN CLASS, tomorrow
ENGLISH homework:
Finish 1 – 7 (above) for tomorrow.
Study for Friday’s vocabulary test.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 7

             Check homework: 10 fill-in-blank sentences

             List all the rules you can think of that explain when we capitalize words in English.

Ex.  Capitalize words at the beginning of a new sentence.

             TAKE NOTES: (get these from a classmate) Add any missing notes on Capitalization to your whiteboards as I show you notes

             Next, begin writing a little story that starts with the word “I…” but pretend you are a deer on opening day of hunting - tell us what is happening and what you are thinking (inner conflict).

EXAMPLE: “I never look forward to opening day…”

             Discussed the difference between a guess and an inference

ENGLISH homework:

Finish reading “The Most Dangerous Game” in Literature book p. 20 - 36.

Finish 3 predictions/inferences from the story (pg. 20, 23, 26) using the following format: “Because the story says…I predict…”

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 6

             Check homework:

a.            Pickup ½ page commercial

b.            Check for completion: backside of vocabulary sheet completed

             Like we did for the cyborg, list at least 5 abilities/talents that you (or other people) would say YOU have.

             DISCUSSED: What you hope to do with each of them in the future?

             REVIEW THE ANSWER TO YESTERDAY’S HOMEWORK CHALLENGE: (which was, “Name a contraction whose apostrophe stands in for exactly 3 letters”)

a.            ANSWERS: They’ll, what’ll, he’ll, she’ll, we’ll, who’ll, you’ll, shan’t, what’s (they shall, what shall, he shall, she shall, we shall, who shall, you shall, shall not, what DOES) mightn’t’ve

             Read some of yesterday’s commercials!

             Watch “10 Of The Funniest Super Bowl Commercials Ever”

a.            Pick up copy of Literary Terms handout (on center table)

b.            Read about the 6 different plotpoints including exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

             Think of one of your favorite books or films.

o             Next, number your paper 1 – 6.

o             Then, using your 6 plotline notes (see handout), write a short sentence for each of the 6 plotline points as they relate to your film.

             120 second PREVIEW of “The Most Dangerous Game” – formed first impressions of short story

             Discussed the difference between a guess and an inference

             As you listen to the story…pgs. 19 – 23 (stop after 1st paragraph - top left column)

a.            Write 1 prediction/inference from the story using the following format: “Because the story says…I predict…” (TO BE COLLECTED TOMORROW)

ENGLISH homework:

             Create an original, fill-in-blank,  pretend practice test (10 fill-in-the-blank sentences) using this week’s vocabulary words.

             English book online!!


i.              Username – rfc2018

ii.             Password – onlinebook

             Study for Friday’s vocabulary test

Monday, September 14, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 5

Collect homework: Cyborg paragraph (where it chose to do good with its ability)


a.            Write down as many examples of contractions as you can. (ex. can’t…)

             Discuss contractions

a.            Challenge: name a contraction whose apostrophe stands in for exactly 3 letters

             Next, list 10 things that we would never buy no matter what (even if you had the money…you would still NEVER buy it).

a.            When finished, circle your 3 top choices.

             Give your list of 3 choices to someone at your table…(exchange papers)…

a.            Looking at their list of 3, choose 1 of their top 3…this will be your topic for this next assignment:

i.              List 10 ways that this thing could be used…other than the obvious…

1.            For example: broccoli could be used as an eraser, giant powder puff, a small tree for my train set, as a microphone for a video, a door stopper, etc.

ii.             Next, using some of your list of 10 things, write a ½ page commercial that will persuade a person to buy the very thing they said they would never buy. (our first persuasive writing piece)


ENGLISH homework:

1.            FINISH # 5 and 6 for tomorrow.

2.            Challenge: name a contraction whose apostrophe stands in for exactly 3 letters

3.            Complete the backside of your vocabulary sheet (ex. 1 & 2)

a.            Study for Friday’s vocabulary test

4.            Bring Literature book tomorrow

5.            English book online!!


i.              Username – rfc2018

ii.             Password – onlinebook

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 4

·         Check yesterday’s homework: 5 sentences of CYBORG explanation

·         Complete “Identifying Sentence Errors" solve #102 & 103


o   Add a 5-sentence paragraph to your CYBORG assignment…this time, write down what your cyborg could do the same ability, but for the dark side of things - to be mean or evil.

o   When finished, exchange your EVIL paragraph with someone else at your table and have them read it and make a drawing of it right on your paper.

·         Explain bathroom passes

·         DISCUSS: The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. – Albert Einstein

o   What could you do differently if you believed every word of Einstein’s quotation?

o   Shared good bystander shutdown phrases and techniques

ENGLISH homework:

Add a 5-sentence paragraph to your cyborg work from yesterday that explains what your cyborg hopes to do with its incredible ability in the future. This should be something positive. Number your sentences 1,2,3,4,5 on your paper before turning in.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 3

WARMUP: Explain why you think I had you write down ways that you and a chair were similar?

Review answers

o   Autotonsorialist – person who cuts his own hair

o   Rhinotillexomania – compulsive nose picking

o   Ephemeromorph – form of life that is neither animal nor plant (the lowest forms of life)

o   Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – the fear of long words

Using “Identifying Sentence Errors" solve #1

Watched introductory videos as well as “Cyborg” video


list 10 abilities for the cyborg (no superpowers; must be humanly possible).

ENGLISH homework:

Choose a favorite ability of the 10 and then

Create a back-story (past) for your favorite ability

(approx. 5-sentences)

use 1st person Point of View (ex. When I was little…)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 2

I checked your homework:

1.      4 definitions of BOLDED words

2.      SIGNED contact sheet

We took our English PRE-TEST – 28 questions

An ODD challenge: Write down a list of similarities between the chairs in my room and your life…the longer the list, the better!!
§  This list can include bizarre/silly things as well as legitimate things.

ENGLISH homework:

NONE…unless you didn’t turn in yesterday’s homework…J

REMIND…Parents to send SIMPLE email with student name in subject line and parent name and relationship to student in body of email. My email address:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

ENGLISH – 1st trimester – Day 1

Reviewed rules and expectations

“This sentence is false.” - Explain whether this sentence is true.

Looked at grammar errors

Explained TAP IN, TAP OUT…

ENGLISH homework:


1. Parents send SIMPLE email with student name in subject line and parent name and relationship to student in body of email.

    1. My email address:

2. Write down the definitions to the 4 bolded words from the parent letter that you brought home.

3. Return SIGNED contact sheet.

You say goodbye, and I say hello