Now in its 6th edition

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 40

Collect homework: 6-word Memoir poster

Watched Act 5 of Romeo & Juliet on video (old version and then new version)

ENGLISH homework:

Work on Romeo & Juliet projects (including memorization piece) – DUE Monday, February 21 – focus on the following rubric:

The story = 20 points                         
(thorough, appropriate interpretation of important
story elements, proper length)

Creativity = 10 points

(ideas are unique and enjoyable)

Effort = 10 points

(project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows
considerable effort; looks complete)

Recital = 10 points
(Considerable effort shown in memorization of piece)



Continued writing the action to action ending to “A Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov

Go to LAB 140 – write ending of play – DAY 3


Continue working on our play’s ending – due date changes to Monday (10 page minimum)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 39

Listed all the fight scenes in Romeo & Juliet – believably, how could each fight have been avoided?

Listened to Romeo & Juliet Act 5 on CD

Listened to NPR story on Romeo & Juliet, Misremembered

Watched 6-Word Memoir video…

Began “6-Word Memoir” posters

ENGLISH homework:

“6-Word Memoir” posters

Work on Romeo & Juliet projects (including memorization piece) – DUE Monday, February 21 – focus on the following rubric:

The story = 20 points                         
(thorough, appropriate interpretation of important
story elements, proper length)

Creativity = 10 points

(ideas are unique and enjoyable)

Effort = 10 points

(project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows
considerable effort; looks complete)

Recital = 10 points
(Considerable effort shown in memorization of piece)



Continued writing the action to action ending to “A Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov

Go to LAB 140 – write ending of play – DAY 2


Continue working on our play’s ending.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, February 7

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 38

Collect homework: Act 4 packet of questions

Wrote about (and discussed) what we thought would happen next if Juliet’s potion turns out to be deadly.

Signed up for Romeo & Juliet final projects

Discussed and finalized Romeo & Juliet projects – deadline: Monday, February 21

Graded our Act 4 packet of Romeo & Juliet questions

Read Romeo & Juliet Act 5

ENGLISH homework:

Work on Romeo & Juliet projects (including memorization piece) – DUE Monday, February 21 – focus on the following rubric:

The story = 20 points                         
(thorough, appropriate interpretation of important
story elements, proper length)

Creativity = 10 points

(ideas are unique and enjoyable)

Effort = 10 points

(project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows
considerable effort; looks complete)

Recital = 10 points
(Considerable effort shown in memorization of piece)



Began writing the action to action ending to “A Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov

Go to LAB 140 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) – write ending of play.


Continue working on our play’s ending.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, February 4

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 37

Collected homework: fill-in-the-blank soliloquy of Juliet’s from Act 4, Scene 3 (1-36) STAPLED TO your completed dramatic irony work from our last class - reviewed answers

Act 4 packet of questions – due Monday

Introduced all the project choices for Romeo & Juliet (video, acting, diorama, singing, children’s book, videogame etc. – ALL PROJECT INCLUDE THE MEMORIZATION OF 10 lines and the completion of one of the previous project choices.

Final Romeo & Juliet projects explained – lots of examples of past projects shown

Discussed RUBRIC for final Romeo & Juliet project (worth 50 points)

The story = 20 points                         
(thorough, appropriate interpretation of important
story elements, proper length)

Creativity = 10 points

(ideas are unique and enjoyable)

Effort = 10 points

(project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows
considerable effort; looks complete)

Recital = 10 points
(Considerable effort shown in memorization of piece)

ENGLISH homework:

Act 4 packet of questions – due MONDAY

Be ready to sign up for your final project Monday.



Collect papers: 2-page TYPED paper (minimum). Diary entry in form. Reflecting on oneself as doing one’s personal best in education – as a lifelong learner. No more than 1/3 of the paper may be about #1 and 2 (see list below):

1.      Start positively 2. Praise specifically 3. Ask CURIOUS questions 4. Ask HELPFUL questions

Discussed our papers.

Read beginning pages “A Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov – took notes on characters, main premise, conflict, action by action…

In groups, wrote out action by action of the play…



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, February 1

ENGLISH - 2nd trimester – Day 36

Collected homework: 7-sentences of subtext for Paris, Friar, Juliet, or Capulet from Act 4 scenes 1 and 2

Defined “dramatic irony” (see page 1247 in textbook) and wrote it into our notes

Finished reading Romeo & Juliet Act 4 (scenes 3, 4, and 5) – discussed

Completed dramatic irony work on monitors (to be STAPLED and COLLECTED to work below)

Graded Act 3 quotations tests

Began completion of fill-in-the-blank soliloquy of Juliet’s from Act 4, Scene 3 (1-36) -  (to be STAPLED and COLLECTED to work above)

Handed out Act IV open-book questions packet (not homework)

ENGLISH homework:

Finish fill-in-the-blank soliloquy of Juliet’s from Act 4, Scene 3 (1-36) and STAPLE TO your completed dramatic irony work from class


In groups of 5, we finished listening to each other’s scripts and writing responses according to the following formula: 1. Start positively; 2. Praise specifically; 3. Ask CURIOUS questions; 4. Ask HELPFUL questions (re: Barry Lane)

Collected scripts

Took notes on Anton Pavlovich Chechov (1860 - 1904) - (in preparation for tomorrow’s reading and assignment): noted his 4 key plays: The Seagull, Three Sisters, Uncle Vanya, The Cherry Orchard

Discussed homework:


2-page TYPED paper (minimum). Diary entry in form. Reflecting on oneself as doing one’s personal best in education – as a lifelong learner. No more than 1/3 of the paper may be about #1 and 2 (see list below):

1.Start positively; 2. Praise specifically; 3. Ask CURIOUS questions; 4. Ask HELPFUL questions

You say goodbye, and I say hello