ENGLISH – 2nd trimester – Day 45
1. Collect any remaining HERO’S JOURNEY assignments from the other day.
2. From memory, name as many sections of the hero’s journey as you can remember.
3. A map of the locations in Homer’s Odyssey…Odysseus’ Journey:
o http://esripm.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=4fc9153f4d9248b9bab7011e3950b552&webmap=962ca9da38bf4c5e9439a6acf3dd1b3e#
4. Listened to part of The Iliad in ancient Greek. The recording, featuring Stanley Lombardo doing the reading, is available on YouTube.
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NssnanW93fI#t=33
5. You can follow along for a minute or two using the free copy of The Iliad in Greek on Google Books.
6. The first book of The Odyssey is titled, “Tell the Story.” (This is Homer beginning with a prayer for help. )
o As a class, we discussed how to create 3 questions about this single story.
7. Take out a blank paper… List the names of the next 4 stories (and the number of questions you’ll need to generate for each):
o Calypso, the Sweet Nymph – 5 questions
§ ?
§ ?
§ ?
§ ?
§ ?
o “I am Laertes son…” – 3 questions
§ ?
§ ?
§ ?
o The Lotus Eaters – 2 questions
o The Cyclops – 10 questions
8. as we read THE ODYSSEY:
o Following along with your textbooks (pgs. 1037 – 1058), listen to the next 3 books of The Odyssey. As you listen and read along, you will be generating questions about what happens in each.
ENGLISH homework:
Work on Romeo & Juliet projects (including 10-line memorization piece) - focus on the following rubric:
(Due Monday, February 24):
R & J FINAL PROJECT RUBRIC (worth 50 points):
· The theme/story = 20 points (thorough interpretation of your stand on a specific theme, important story elements from R&J, proper length)
· Creativity = 10 points (ideas are unique and enjoyable)
· Effort = 10 points (project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows considerable effort; looks complete)
· Recital = 10 points - TYPED COPY (worth 3 pts.) and considerable effort shown in memorization of piece
§ You may NOT give your recital without a typed copy of your speech.
§ You may NOT memorize from these 2 speeches: “Two households…” (pg. 807) or “But soft, what light…” (pg. 845-846)
Discussed character journeys and archetypal characters (good and bad)
With a partner, we blindly chose a good and bad character (from a hat), then assigned each of them a journey (from handout).
The rest of the hour, we brainstormed ideas and scenes (no dialogue) for a play based on these specific character types and their individual journeys.