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Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 14
1.      WARMUP: Pickup your graded Odyssey packet from your table…check your answers to 1 - 24 to the ones on the monitors.
2.      Number a blank paper 1 – 10 (do not skip lines) and take video quiz -
3.      Read article -
4.      Answer 6 questions about article/video quiz (above):
a.       How comfortable are you with lying? Explain your answer.
b.      Are there certain circumstances when you are comfortable telling a lie, and others when you are not? Give an example or explain your answer.
c.       Is lying ever O.K.? Or is it always wrong? How does your conscience guide you? Explain.
d.      When was the last time you told a lie?
e.       Does your body language reveal when you are lying?
f.       How good do you think you are at spotting when someone else is lying? What clues do you use?
5.      Choose any 5 of 11 pre-play poll. For each, write 5-sentences about why some people would say the statement is FALSE.
a.       Violence can solve problems.
b.       Boyfriends and girlfriends are more important than family.
c.        There are times when secrets must be told.
d.       Teenagers don’t know what true love really feels like.
e.        Parents should have the final say in the people that you date.
f.        You are the pilot of your own life. There is no greater force determining your outcome. You determine your own outcome.
g.        You should know someone for at least a year before you marry them.
h.       Deceiving people is all right if it is for a good cause in the long run.
i.         Parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s choices.
j.          “Luck” is a figment of someone’s imagination; there is no such thing as luck.
k.       Love at first sight is possible.
6.      Watch last 20 minutes of The Odyssey video
ENGLISH homework:

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