Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday May 27, 2014


ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 49


Pickup exam review sheet.


On your exam review sheet, the 6th bullet point asks about the feud...

a.       ADD – “both alike in dignity” suggests a power struggle between the Capulets and the Montagues


Add the following definitions to your exam review guide:

1.      paraphrase (pg. 1259) – same message, different words

2.      summary – shortened version of the original work’s main points

3.      critique – a judgment or review; your opinion about a work

4.      personal response – how it relates to your life; all about YOU

5.      Tragic hero (pg. 754, 1252) – a person of great ability who comes to grief because of a character flaw/personal failing within his character

6.      Epic heroes (pgs. 1012, 1035) – larger than life


·         Figure out what you need to get on your exam by using the formula below:


    • .9  x   ______tri % so far______ = A
    • .1  x  ______% on exam______  = B
    • A + B = final grade for trimester

                                                              i.      EXAMPLE

·         .9 x 82 = 73.8

·         .1 x 93 = 9.3

·         73.8 + 9.3 = 83.1


§  Read Act 4.3-5.


Introduce “Circles of Reflection” (John Powers)


·         As you read the non-fiction article, “Turn Off the Phone (and the Tension)”…

1.        Summarize the article in a single sentence.

2.        According to Jenna Wortham, “________________________.”

o    Choose an interesting point (or fact) made in the article

3.        Write several sentences that

o    Explain why ______________ might care about this information. (do not use the word “CARE”)

o    Explain what might happen in the future.

ENGLISH homework:


Memorize your 10-20 lines of Shakespeare (based on a theme) for your recital Thursday, May 29


Have a TYPED script ready to turn in on May 29…must be TYPED and, for each quote, you must include both the name of the character and the name of the person saying it…ex. Benvolio/Tom


R & J FINAL PROJECT RUBRIC (worth 35 points)

**You may NOT give your recital without a typed copy of your speech. **


10  points - SCRIPT - typed, theme, character/student name (Juliet/Frank)

5    points - THEME - your chosen lines CLEARLY support your theme

20  points - RECITAL - considerable effort shown in memorization of piece


_____total points

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