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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1st trimester – Day 34

  1. Collect homework (just your paragraph, NOT your article)
  2. Find your binder (on the center table)
  3. Begin working on the backside of this week’s vocabulary handout
Handed back graded homework and placed tests into homework binders

TO BE COLLECTED (eventually):
Using your article (about someone making a good choice) as a starting point,
  1. Underline the description of the “good choice” that was made.
  2. On a separate paper, imagine what might have happened in the past in this person’s life that eventually drove him/her make this good choice.
    1. This should be believable, but NOT ACTUAL.
  3. What could happen in the future if more people make the same choice?
    1. Again, believable, but NOT ACTUAL
  4. In a paragraph, imagine someone with the same past making a bad choice.
    1. Explain what they chose
    2. Explain what will likely happen in the future because of this bad choice.
Read from Maniac Magee as an example of “showing” a messy room (just like your homework assignment)

Read from Alfred Kropp as an example of “showing” – listing TELL statements that could have been used instead in the story

Rewrite one of the “tell” sentences from “The Redwoods” by changing it into a show paragraph – COLLECTED FOR A GRADE, then viewed and shared on Elmo


Complete backside of this week’s vocabulary word (Lesson 4) handout.

Study for Friday’s vocabulary test (Lesson 4: elude, fallow, blight…)

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