Now in its 6th edition

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014


ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 52

·         Check class/homework from yesterday (40 direct/indirect from “Thank You, M’am”)

·         Rewrite the following 6 sentences so that the meaning is clear:

1.      He saw the deer using his binoculars.

2.      Walking along the beach, a rock scraped my foot.

3.      Juana only has algebra three days this week.

4.      In a tiny cage at the dog pound, we felt very sorry for the little bulldog.

5.      I saw her make a thrilling slalom run on my cousin’s television set.

6.      The governor agreed to punish every driver who endangers the lives of others without delay.

·         Open book to page 348 and read “The Necklace” from Literature book (pages 348 – 358)

·         Make a chart of 4 columns:

a.       Label them, left to right, at the top: SINGULAR, SINGULAR POSSESSIVE, PLURAL, PLURAL POSSESSIVE

b.      Add the following 18 words to your first column (labeled: singular):

                                                  i.      Friend, month, dollar, enemy, sheep, ox, teacher, bunny, notary public, attorney general, sister-in-law, wolf, Chris, Curtis, man, city, monkey, alto

c.       Fill in the other 3 columns…

ENGLISH homework:

Use study guide to review for exam.

For online practice, try these links:

·         Our Literature book can be found, online at


o   Username – rfc2018    Password – onlinebook

·         Apostrophe practice:

·         Plural practice:

o   And

·         Author’s Purpose:

·         Fact or Opinion:

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