ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 44
Watch next (#13) pronoun/antecedent video (on singular vs. plural) – take notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N_7ODPhoaA
· What’s the difference between an argument and a contradiction?
a. WATCH video: http://www.nicertube.com/ngjoz9dj
· Take notes:
a. Premise (P): a reason offered as support for another claim
i. Because…
b. Conclusion (C): the claim being supported by a premise (or premises)
c. Argument: a conclusion together with the premises that support it
· Because all men are mortal (P)
· Because Socrates was a man (P)
· Therefore Socrates is mortal. (C)
· Because a dog is an animal (P)
· Because a cat is an animal (P)
· A dog is a cat (C)
- Consider the following argument:
- (P) Because you spilled it. (P) Because whoever makes the mess cleans up the mess.
i. What is clearly implied here is the conclusion: (C) You clean up the mess.
- Now consider the following argument:
- (C) You should not eat that greasy hamburger. Because it is loaded with fat.(P)
i. Again, something is implied, but this time, what’s implied is a premise: Because you should not eat anything that is loaded with fat. (P)
- Finally, it is important to remember that sometimes arguments can have more than one conclusion. Look at the following argument:
- Since yesterday’s editorial cartoon succeeded in making the mayor look silly, the cartoonist must have finally regained his touch. And the mayor probably won’t be reelected.
i. This argument can be thought of as having two different arguments in it. We can analyze it in the following way:
1. (P): Because yesterday’s editorial cartoon succeeded in making the mayor look silly.
2. (C): The cartoonist has finally regained his touch.
a. And
3. (P): Yesterday’s editorial cartoon succeeded in making the mayor look silly.
4. (C): The mayor probably won’t be reelected.
(Alone or with a partner), read a copy of the article on the center table, “How Dumb Can We Get.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR2008021502901.html?sid=ST2008021801642
- When finished, answer these questions:
i. Using the information RIGHT OUT of the article:
1. Write up the main conclusion you can make about the article.
2. Next, still using the information from the article, write up 3 premises that prove the main conclusion….
a. “Because…
ii. Now, to argue against their conclusion, write up the opposing argument (NOT found in the article) by:
1. writing an opposing conclusion and
2. 3 opposing premises
ENGLISH homework:
FINISH #5 above for homework.
Study for Friday’s Prefix test (11 prefixes from “30-15-10” list) = dict ………therm
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