Now in its 6th edition

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 6

FINISH FOR HOMEWORK (drawing assignment): The GOAL is for you to make a rough drawing with enough detail that someone could look at your drawing and match it to its definition.

a.       See “The illustrated Odyssey” for inspiration:

b.      Using the character list on pages 1032 and 1033, imagine creating a MATCHING test that has 2 columns. The first column lists all the information on pages 1032 and 1033 BUT WITHOUT THE NAMES….in the right-hand column are a series of your drawings that represent each of the descriptions from the first column. 

  1. Home of circe, the enchantress and goddess
  2. King of Phaeacia. Odysseus tells the story of his adventures to Alcinous’s court.



o   REVIEW pgs. 1025 – 1036 in Literature book…

                                                  i.      Discuss Helen of Troy, the Trojan War, Odysseus, Laertes, Penelope, Telemachus, Athena, Hermes, Poseidon…

·         Watch 60-second recap video: “Odyssey – The Plot Overview”

·         Then read the first 2 pages of The Odyssey (pages 1037-1038)

o   (This is Homer beginning with a prayer for help.)

·         Watch video:

o   A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey - Crash Course


ENGLISH homework:

Finish SIMPLE drawings for tomorrow.



·         With a partner, sign in to ONE of your edmodo accounts and complete the assignment found there…EACH of you should ADD at least one thing…no repeats.

·         Next, sign in to your google account and open a google doc…using any one of your domino scenarios from the last few classes, flesh out a domino or two...not all 10, stick with a couple and put flesh on its bones…

o   Begin our first scene (with a partner)…we pretended there was a $1000 winner-take-all contest for the most entertaining play written.



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