Watch “The Tell-Tale Heart” (animation) :
…keeping in mind the following:
The killer in the story (“The Tell Tale Heart”) didn’t
actually hate the man’s eye…but rather, the eye stood for something the man
TO BE COLLECTED (please number your responses):
Thinking about your #1 dislike….
1. Write
down how you respond and how you feel when you see this characteristic?
why you respond this way?
Do you
follow your gut feeling about them every time you see or think of them, or do
you sometimes consider their unfortunate past before passing judgment on them?
Write a personal-journal-style
paragraph about the following:
2. None of
us are certified killers, but how do some people kind of “kill” the people they
know who have the characteristic that they dislike?
List at
least 4.
in 3 sentences…explain: Are we “mad” to behave this way?
3. Name 3
legitimate things that might have happened to this person (or his/her family)
that drove him/her to behave in this unpleasant way?
on the
same paper:4. Write down a guess for each of the following questions:
What do
you think was General Zaroff’s “eye?”
What do
you think was Ulrich’s “eye?”
5. Re-read
the 2 opening paragraphs to “The Tell-Tale Heart”(you can google it and find a
copy) and then…
Mimic POE’S STYLE of writing:
Re-write the opening 2 paragraphs of a POE-LIKE story that
introduces the disagreeable characteristic…PLEASE NOTE:
Poe does not use ANY violence when setting up his story.
Notice what he does instead.
ENGLISH homework:
Finish 1-5 (above)
Backside (ex. 1 & 2) of vocabulary sheet #3 is DUE
Study for “Lesson Three” vocabulary test on Friday (the test will have a word bank and 20 fill-in-the-blank sentences – you provide the correct vocabulary word for each sentence)
o Use this Quizlet to study this week’s vocabulary words on your device?
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