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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 16

Write about the importance of the 3 categories of dreams:
  1. the ones we dream at night,
  2. the ones we have while awake, and
  3. the ones we have for our futures
  4. Where do you think dreams come from?

Listened to CD of Act 1.4 and followed along in our books pgs. 828 - 831.

Having read the paraphrase of the Queen Mab speech yesterday (No Fear Shakespeare) and using your textbook now, summarize Queen Mab speech in 3 sentences.

Listened to CD of Act 1.4-5 and followed along in our books pgs. 828 - 839.

Completed worksheet titled “Handout 4 I Dreamt a Dream Tonight
o   This handout (and drawing STAPLED TOGETHER) will be collected for an assignment grade tomorrow.
o   Please note that question “2a” will require a clean sheet of paper (notebook paper is fine) and that IT MUST BE LABELED with the 10 corresponding lines from Mercutio’s speech.

ENGLISH homework:

Finish and staple worksheet titled “Handout 4 I Dreamt a Dream Tonight” to your drawing…
o   This handout (and drawing STAPLED TOGETHER) will be collected for an assignment grade tomorrow.
o   Please note that question “2a” will require a clean sheet of paper (notebook paper is fine) and that IT MUST BE LABELED with the 10 corresponding lines from Mercutio’s speech.

Bring your Literature book.

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