Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 17 

·         Collect homework: (packet of questions)

·         Write up one sentence with a comma splice in it, then fix it with a FANBOYS and circle the FANBOY.

·         Grade Romeo & Juliet Act 1 Open Book Test (packet of questions)

·         Watched older version video of Act 1(30 minutes)

ENGLISH homework: 




Continued TYPING our scripts – 3 – 4 minutes/typed pages due after spring break 

Read about PROPER script format and make appropriate changes (time-permitting) using the following website: - focus on items #5 - 11. 

3 – 4 minutes/typed pages due after spring break

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 16 
1.     Take Act 1 Quotations test

2.      ON THE BACK of your answer sheet, in a paragraph, describe what you hope to do over Spring break.
a.       Next, choose one of the following characters from Romeo and Juliet.
·   1. Capulet 2. Lady Capulet 3. Nurse 4. Romeo 5. Juliet 6. Tybalt 7. Paris
    1. In one sentence, explain how this character would have behaved DIFFERENTLY than you.
    2. In another sentence, explain why this character would have behaved DIFFERENTLY than you
Comma notes:
·         Discussed the evil comma splice and how to eliminate it from sentences
o   The woman in the blue dress is my neighbor, she is rather tall.
o   The woman in the blue dress is my neighbor, FANBOYS she is rather tall.
·         Practice identifying comma splices: “To Splice Is Not So Nice” 

Begin homework 

  • You may work together but not simply copy each other’s work.
  • Your textbook has a glossary in it that begins on page 1240 and you’ll need this glossary for the open-book, take-home test.
ENGLISH homework: 

FINISH take-home, open-book test on Act 1 due Wednesday



Discussed the success and failure of our small group work from yesterday where we were asked to constructively critique each other’s scripts. 

Before you begin typing today, read about PROPER script format and make appropriate changes (time-permitting) using the following website: - focus on items #5 - 11. 

On a computer, we began typing our scripts. 

PLAYWRITING homework: 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 15 

Practiced identifying Romeo and Juliet quotations from Act 1 in preparation for tomorrow's test 

The packet is an OPEN-BOOK TAKE-HOME TEST (worth nearly 5 homework assignments). You may work together but not simply copy each other’s work.

Your textbook has a glossary in it that begins on page 1240 and you’ll need this glossary for the open-book, take-home test. 

ENGLISH homework: 

Study Act 1 for tomorrow's quotations test
Take-home test on Act 1 due Wednesday


Re-watched TED talk: “What is Theatre Capable of?” 

In small groups (of 4/5), read and constructively critiqued each other’s scripts so far. 

Continued writing. 

PLAYWRITING homework: 


Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 14
  • Using your book, list 6 different things that happened in Act 1.5.
  • Collect homework: script with Elizabethan words
A brief summary of Act 1.5 from:

Act 1, Scene 5: At Capulet's house, Romeo and his friends enter as preparations are being made for the dancing. The musicians are tuning up, and the servants are hurrying to clear away the remains of the feast. . . . Capulet enters, greets the masked strangers, and invites them to dance. Romeo sees Juliet and says to himself that this is the first time he's seen true beauty. Tybalt recognizes Romeo and sends for his sword, but Capulet orders Tybalt to do nothing. Saying that he'll make Romeo pay, Tybalt leaves. . . . Romeo holds Juliet's hand, and begs a kiss, which she gives him. They kiss again, and then both are called away. As everyone is leaving, they each learn the name of the other, and they each exclaim upon the fate that has made each fall in love with his/her enemy. 

Confirm that you have the correct textbook (the one issued to you) 

Grade yesterday’s tests 

Create a “Who Said It” test (on a dry erase board):

·         Using all of Romeo & Juliet Act 1 (pages 807-839), find 7 different moments of the play and write out a key quote from each of these moments…do not write out the name of the character who said it.

Watched scenes 4 and 5 of new video 

ENGLISH homework: 


Discussed process of playwriting 

Practiced revision by reading over what we had already written and choosing a line or two that we felt was compelling… 

Then, using that line or two as a starting point, we brainstormed and wrote for 5 minutes. 

We continued working on our play. 



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 13 

Take Dramatic Literary Terms test

After turning in your test, begin your labeled drawing on the same paper as yesterday’s 10 questions about Queen Mab speech… 

1.      Sketch a simple picture of Queen Mab and her carriage according to Mercutio’s description.
2.      ADD 10 quotes to your drawing…
§  Next to each detail you drew, write in the word-for-word quotation from the speech that told you what to draw…
·         For example:
1.      “Her wagoner, a small, gray-coated gnat”
2.      “Her whip, of cricket’s bone; the lash, of film”

1.      Answers to questions 1 – 10 (from yesterday)
2.      Today’s labeled drawing of Queen Mab and her carriage 

When you finish, on your own, read Act 1.5, pgs. 833 - 839. 

After you’ve finished reading, begin your homework 

ENGLISH homework: 

Complete handout: “Becoming Familiar with the Language of Shakespeare”
After attendance, separate your desks and begin writing your scripts. Ultimately, they will be 5 – 10 pages in length.  
Use any suggestions from yesterday’s critique that you liked. 
PLAYWRITING homework: 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 12 

Collect homework: (you may have turned it in yesterday) - 7 characters from Act 1 – love and marriage 

Create 7 Jeopardy-like questions using your Literary Terms handout. 

Answer the following 4 questions: 

Write about why some people think each of the following kinds of dreams are important…

1.      the ones we dream at night,

2.      the ones we have while awake, and

3.      the ones we have for our futures

4.      where do you think dreams come from? 

Listened to Act 1, Scene 4…introducing us to a new character: Mercutio 

Using your textbooks Act 1.4 lines 71 – 88 (pg. 830-831), name the dreams that Queen Mab delivers for each of the following characters?
1.      Lovers dream of:
2.      Courtiers (first mention) dream of:
3.      Lawyers dream of:
4.      Ladies dream of:
5.      Courtiers (second mention) dream of:
6.      A parson dreams of:
7.      A soldier dreams of:
8.      Why do you suppose Mercutio tells such a fantastic story to Romeo? 

Re-read Romeo’s mention of his two “dreams” in Act 1.4…
·         DREAM 1 - Lines 48 – 49
·         DREAM 2 - Lines 106 – 111
9. Summarize what is Romeo saying in Dream 2?
10. What do these both of these dreams tell us about Romeo? 

ENGLISH homework: 

·         Finish Qs 1 - 10 (above) (see page 830-831 details)

·         Study for Thursday’s test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term

o   Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:o



Present your ideas…rough draft…to the class 

Critique ideas by asking questions about the idea 

Have you thought about…. 

What will…. 

Why do you think that…. 

How do you think your character will…. 

PLAYWRITING homework: 


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 11 

1.      WARMUP: on a separate paper (TO BE COLLECTED):
a.       In a paragraph of 4 sentences or more, describe how a person forms an opinion about love or marriage.
b.      In another paragraph, write about your feelings and attitudes about love and marriage. 

2.      Watch “How and Why We Read – Crash Course” video (10 minutes) 

3.      Watch Romeo & Juliet scenes 2, 3  

4.      Discuss what we could infer about a person who says, “I love horror movies.”

Creepy, scary, fearless, sad, likes adrenaline rush, evil, violent, bored

5.      ADD TO TODAY’s WARMUP: Using Act 1, looked up lines that reveal each of the 7 characters’ experience with, feelings about, or attitudes toward love and/or marriage. (all from Act 1) 

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Lady Capulet

For each of the 7 characters above:

DIRECTIONS: Besides the obvious, what else does your chosen quote say about the character as a person (what can you infer)?
1.      Write the words, “Because (character) says, “_______(fill-in with word for word quote)_______________________________________” (about love or marriage), he must also believe ________not obvious______________.

a.       Do not simply say, “Because he says _______, he is creepy.”

2.      Write the line numbers for each quote (ex. Act 1.2.34-39)
3.      TURN IN BOTH
b.      and THIS ACTIVITY – stapled together

4.      TO STUDY for Thursday’s literary terms test, create test questions for each of the terms. Remember, you will be given definitions and examples of each…you will be asked to identify which term applies. 

ENGLISH homework: 

Finish assignment above: 7 characters from Act 1 – love and marriage 

o   Study for Thursday’s test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term
o   Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:



Start as close to the end as possible.

  • The protagonist's enemy is the antagonist, the "opposer of the action."
    • anyone or anything that tries to stop the protagonist, take the ball, or get in the way.
  • A good antagonist is as powerful or more so than the protagonist.
  • A good antagonist can be a strong villain, a loved one, fate, society, weather, chance, oneself
In class assignment: create an antagonist for your protagonist – for today, the antagonist has to be a person – write that person’s biography.

1.      Create a concrete goal for your protagonist.
a.       A want. A need. A desire. Just one. Concrete, not abstract. Write it down. 

2.      “Character is action; action is character.” Create an action that tells us what kind of person your character is. (Example: A young boy steals a purse from an old lady.)
a.       Write the action down.
                                                  i.      Is the action connected to a concrete goal?
b.      What does it show you about your character?
c.       Does he get what he wants? Or does he run into an obstacle?

3.      Next, bring both your protagonist and antagonist together into the same room (or space). Look back at the action you created for your protagonist. REWRITE the actions putting both characters in the same action.
a.       Write what happens (in paragraph form).
b.      Finally, define the conflict in one sentence. 

4.      Begin scripting your scene from above. 

PLAYWRITING homework: 


Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 10 

o   Reviewed answers to R&J WEBQUEST

o   Discuss handout and upcoming test on “Dramatic Literary Terms” (Thursday)
o   Know both the definitions and examples of each term

o   Encouraged use of Romeo & Juliet navigator website and No Fear Shakespeare book:

o   Next, we read the original text from our textbooks and listened for the thread of the conversation (mixed with moments of poetry)
o   pages 814 – 825 in Literature book

o   Memorize as much of your Dramatic Literary Terms handout as you can…we’ll start Jeopardy in 10 minutes…

ENGLISH homework: 

o   Study for Thursday’s test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term

o   Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:



·      Drama thrives only when characters are in crisis, in extremes, in trouble.

  • No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them - in order that the reader may see what they are made of.  
Read and took notes about “Character” from The Art & Craft of Playwriting (pg. 22 - 28)

Continued our work/script from Friday


Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 9 

BEFORE I COLLECT: Find your Romeo & Juliet Webquest (from yesterday) and read over your answers and then on the back side of the Webquest, answer the following:

  1. Using your answers as your proof, what conclusions can you make about the Elizabethans? (list at least 3)
  2. List what the Webquest doesn’t say. In other words, what has been left out? (list at least 3)
  3. Find a trouble spot (an area you do not understand). Generate questions around it. (list as many as you can)
  4. Complete the following: This Webquest reminds me of ________________because _________________________________.
  5. Create a t-chart. On the left side, write down one thing you learned from this activity. On the right side, write a reflection on why learning that piece of information might be of value to you in your life  (respond in a paragraph)
Pick up “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout - hang onto this handout for future reference. 

  • Students are to take notes on the 6 kinds of feet (PITADS)...including iambs.
    • They can just write the name of the foot and the beat it makes.
      • Ex. iamb – ta-TUM
Trochee, Iamb, or Spondee (that is the question)…

Iamb: today, except
Trochee: dreadful, helpless, running, asking
Spondee: Drop dead! Bite this!
Anapest: To the lake, understand
Dactyl: withering, heavily, talk to me 

·         Watch FLOW LIKE POE (song about iambs and trochee etc.):

Read: next scene of R&J – Act 1 lines 61 - 156 

Watched 2 excerpts of Romeo & Juliet of same opening scene (old and new) 

ENGLISH homework: 

Bring your Literature book.



  • Antagonist – the opposer of the action; anyone or anything that tries to get in the protagonist’s way or stop him in any way
  • A good antagonist is: A strong villain, A loved one, Fate – “a god”, Society, Weather, Chance, luck, circumstance – a random act, Oneself
Continue working on:
  • Today you will learn how to create a character - a protagonist. Perhaps it’s a character based on a real-life person, perhaps it’s one you’ve imagined.
    1. In approx. two pages, write a brief biographical sketch of this person. You are creating a fictional character, but don’t be afraid to base this character on a person or persons from real life. Maybe the character is you. Maybe it’s someone you hardly know. Choose the character’s birthdate, birthplace, and where the character grew up. Choose the character’s family, social and economic background…EVERYTHING.
    2. Next describe 3 key events in that character’s life – deaths, winning the lottery, childhood scars. Now look at your biography. Is it interesting enough? Could the events and actions you’ve imagined be altered to create a more interesting person? Is there any hint of a rebellious spirit?
    3. Revise the biography. Play with different possibilities, different actions and events. Has your biography brought your character to a point in his or her life where a potential high-pressure crisis is suggested? The kind of crisis that could start a play?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 8 


Complete the Romeo & Juliet WEBQUEST:  

·         Romeo & Juliet Webquest can also can be found on school network at… 

I:Drive/RHS-RFC/StudentView/Mr. Van Bragt/Romeo&Juliet/Romeo & Juliet Webquest

PRINT and TURN IN tomorrow…

ENGLISH homework:




Collect homework: one-page “Would you make for a good character?”
Take out your script assignment from the other day - 10 dominoes (WITH DIALOGUE)
In your group,
  1. Read just your dialogue aloud to each other
  2. As a group, (on a whiteboard) write down a list of what you liked about some of the dialogue you heard in your group.
Read – “Characters in Conflict” (pg. 29-33)


  • Today you will learn how to create a character - a protagonist. Perhaps it’s a character based on a real-life person, perhaps it’s one you’ve imagined.
A.          In approx. two pages, write a brief biographical sketch of this person. You are creating a fictional character, but don’t be afraid to base this character on a person or persons from real life. Maybe the character is you. Maybe it’s someone you hardly know. Choose the character’s birthdate, birthplace, and where the character grew up. Choose the character’s family, social and economic background…EVERYTHING.

B.           Next describe 3 key events in that character’s life – deaths, winning the lottery, childhood scars. Now look at your biography. Is it interesting enough? Could the events and actions you’ve imagined be altered to create a more interesting person? Is there any hint of a rebellious spirit?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 7 

·         Collect homework: 14-line paraphrase of Prologue

·         TO BE COLLECTED TODAY: Using your textbook, complete the following:
a.       Find Act 3, Scene 3, line 165…
                                                  i.      Write down the words of that line and the page number
b.      How many lines are there in Act 1 scene 3?
c.       Write down an example of unusual word order from page 812
d.      Using page 805, name which family each of the following characters belong:  Tybalt, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Lady Montague, Nurse 

·         NOTES:
o   Pun = a form of wordplay that occurs when two words pronounced and spelled somewhat the same contain different meanings 

·         Began reading and discussing Romeo & Juliet Act 1.1.1 - 60 (Act 1, Scene 1, lines 1 – 60 - pgs. 807 – 810 in Literature book)

TO BE COLLECTED: Read over page 807, then answer the following on the same paper as your warm-up:
1.      Using the Prologue as your proof, what conclusions can you make about the play?
a.       List 5
2.      List what the Prologue doesn’t tell us about the play. What has been left out?
a.       List 5
3.      Find a trouble spot in the Prologue (an area you do not understand).
a.       Name the trouble spot.
b.      Generate 4 questions around it.
4.      Complete the following: This Prologue reminds me of ________________because _________________________________.
ENGLISH homework:  
Bring your Literature book (the purple one) every day.
  • In your notebook, explain what characteristics you think are necessary to make up a “good” character.
  • Watch videos on character
  • Discussed drama and how it thrives only when characters are in crisis, in extremes, in trouble.
PLAYWRITING homework: 
HOMEWORK: In one full page, write down, in detail, why your life would (or would not) make for a good character in a play.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 6 

·         On a separate paper, rewrite the first 4 lines of the Prologue…dumb the language down so that a 2nd grader would understand it.

·         Checked homework: top half of “Handout 1 – The Prologue to Act One”

·         Together, we completed page 2 “Handout 1 - The Prologue to Act One” (taking notes on SONNETS)

·         Watched short videos: on Shakespeare and Romeo & Juliet

·         Begin homework:
         Put each line of the Prologue into easy-to-understand language - do not simply define the challenging words.
§  Here’s a good way to paraphrase the first line: ‘Two families, who were equally rich and powerful.’
§  REMEMBER, a paraphrase is approximately the same length as the original.”  

ENGLISH homework: 

Finish paraphrase of opening Prologue (that you started for warm-up today)
  1. Copy down these notes from yesterday:
NOTES (by Kurt Vonnegut):
  • Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
  • Every sentence must do one of two things - reveal character or advance the action.
  • Start as close to the end as possible.
  • No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them - in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
·         Using your 10 steps from the other day, develop this series of actions by answering the following questions about each:
o   PURPOSE: Think about who performed the action and what it tell you about the person who performed it?
1.      Answer this question for all 10 actions.
2.      Let’s say the actions were part of a larger situation…
a.       What do the actions tell you about that character’s family?
b.      Town?
c.       Country?
PLAYWRITING homework: 

You say goodbye, and I say hello