Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014


ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 23


o   Take out your WEBQUEST and answer the following 5 questions…


1. BEFORE turning in your Webquest, read over your answers and then on the back side of the Webquest, answer the following:

1.        Using your answers as your proof, what educated guesses (or inferences) can you make about the Elizabethans? (list at least 3)

2.        List what the Webquest doesn’t say. In other words, what has been left out? (list at least 3)

3.        Find a trouble spot (an area you do not understand). Generate questions around it. (list as many as you can)

4.        Complete the following: This Webquest reminds me of ________________because _________________________________.

5.        Create a t-chart. On the left side, write down one thing you learned from this activity. On the right side, write a reflection on why learning that piece of information might be of value to you in your life  (respond in a full paragraph)


§  Turn it in FOR CREDIT


****Announce test on Literary Terms this week THURSDAY****


2.      Open books to Act 1, Scene 2 and 3

a.       First, read the summaries of both scenes


b.      Next, listen to professional actors read the same two scenes

3.      Study for Thursday’s test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term


·         Take notes on the 6 kinds of feet (PITADS)...including iambs.

oJust write the name of the foot and the beat it makes.

§  Ex. iamb – ta-TUM




Trochee, Iamb, Anapest, Dactyl, or Spondee? (that is the question)…

DIRECTIONS: On the same paper as tonight’s homework, decide which PITADS each of the following group of words represents.


1.        today, except

2.        dreadful, helpless, running, asking

3.        Drop dead! Bite this!

4.        To the lake, understand

5.        withering, heavily, talk to me


o   Memorize as much of your Dramatic Literary Terms handout as you can…we’ll start Jeopardy in 10 minutes…



ENGLISH homework:

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