ENGLISH - HOURS 1 & 3 - Day 48
Fill in the following chart with 20 items total…
Roger Mrs. L.B.W.Jones
· Rewrite the following 6 sentences so that the meaning is clear:
1. He saw the deer using his binoculars.
2. Walking along the beach, a rock scraped my foot.
3. Juana only has algebra three days this week.
4. In a tiny cage at the dog pound, we felt very sorry for the little bulldog.
5. I saw her make a thrilling slalom run on my cousin’s television set.
6. The governor agreed to punish every driver who endangers the lives of others without delay.
· Open book to page 348 and read “The Necklace” from Literature book (pages 348 – 358)
· DIRECTIONS: Read each description and decide whether it best fits Madame Loisel, Monsieur Loisel, or Madame Forestier. Write the name of the character the description best fits.
- A person used to being rich and comfortable with privilege is _________________
- A considerate person willing to make sacrifices to please someone else ____________
- A vain person filled with envy for those who are better off ____________________
- A person comfortable with his/her station in life_____________________________
- A self-centered person who thinks little of anyone else’s happiness_____________
- A person who suggests lying as a way to buy time __________________________
· Work on exam review guide
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1 & 3
Use study guide to review for exam.
For online practice, try these links:
· Apostrophe practice: http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/39.html
· Plural practice: http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/288.html
o And http://www.usingenglish.com/quizzes/391.html
· Author’s Purpose: http://www.thatquiz.org/tq/practicetest?TUAG7034
· Fact or Opinion: http://cuip.uchicago.edu/www4teach/97/jlyman/default/quiz/factopquiz.html
ENGLISH – HOURS 4 & 5 – Day 48
Rehearsal time before recitals
R & J recitals
R & J FINAL PROJECT RUBRIC (worth 35 points)
**You may NOT give your recital without a typed copy of your speech. **
10 points - SCRIPT - typed, theme, character/student name (Juliet/Frank)
5 points - THEME - your chosen lines CLEARLY support your theme
20 points - RECITAL - considerable effort shown in memorization of piece
_____total points
Contentless scenes – with Oscars!
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 4 & 5:
Study for exam – Romeo & Juliet, The Odyssey see review sheet for details
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