Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015


ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 18

Watch bubble video…

·         On scrap paper, write down how far north, south, east, west you’ve ever been in your life…thus, creating your personal “bubble”

o   Ex. NORTH = Mackinac Island

o   SOUTH = Florida

o   EAST =

o   WEST =

·         Discussed the relative size of our individual and our collective worlds (according to geography (North/South/East/West)

·         Discussed the tendency to NOT broaden our horizons…even in a safe place like the school cafeteria.

    • Why would we choose the disadvantages over the advantages?
    • We are going to start forming habits.
    • Is avoiding people who are different/unknown to us going to be one of these life-long habits?

Finish class work from yesterday:

·         Without repeating the statement, write down 5 sentences (for each statement) that explains why some people feel this way about this issue. (25 sentences total)

    1. Violence can solve problems.
    2. Boyfriends and girlfriends are more important than family.
    3. There are times when secrets must be told.
    4. Teenagers don’t know what true love really feels like.
    5. Parents should have the final say in the people that you date.
    6. You are the pilot of your own life. There is no greater force determining your outcome. You determine your own outcome.
    7. You should know someone for at least a year before you marry them.
    8. Deceiving people is all right if it is for a good cause in the long run.
    9. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s choices.
    10. “Luck” is a figment of someone’s imagination; there is no such thing as luck.
    11. Love at first sight is possible.

"If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself,

Get a better mirror,

Look a little closer,

Stare a little longer,

Because there's something inside you

That made you keep trying

Despite everyone who told you to quit"

·         For THURSDAY, outside of class, sign into Edmodo…

o   Complete LIAR LIAR

o   Complete Student Survey on Technology Integration

·         Ask the members of one table to stand up and find someone in the room that they do not know. This will be your partner for this activity.

·         Began “Case Study” work (to finish tomorrow AND COLLECT FOR GRADE).

ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1, 3, 4:

·         For tomorrow: FINISH defending 5 of 11 statements… Without repeating the statement, write down 5 sentences (for each statement) that explains why some people feel this way about this issue. (25 sentences total)

·         For THURSDAY…Sign into Edmodo…and Complete LIAR LIAR and Complete Student Survey on Technology Integration

OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: in the next 24 hours, introduce yourself to someone new…report back to class, tomorrow.



·         COLLECT 2 biographical sketches (protagonist and antagonist)

    • If you don’t have BOTH, fill out a pink sheet in the center of the room and turn it in instead.

·         Discuss character/goal/action/obstacle exercise (from yesterday)

·         Discuss our scripts from last night.

    • Spin the Wheel of Holy Horror
      • COLLECT 5 scenarios and 1 script (from yesterday) - fill out a pink sheet in the center of the room and turn it in instead.



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