Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015


ENGLISH – HOURS 1, 3, 4 – Day 28

Collect classwork from Friday: 7 characters on love

Announce test on Dramatic Literary Terms this week WEDNESDAY

Using your “Dramatic Literary Terms to Know” handout, students are to create a jeopardy review game for their test on Wednesday…they are to:

·         Sign on to a computer and go to

                                                  i.      Click “BUILD NOW”

                                                ii.      Choose a URL for your game board

                                              iii.      Enter your GOOGLE email address

                                              iv.      Start creating questions…

·         You must create questions that include EXAMPLES as well as DEFINITIONS

                                                  i.      Example questions would look like this:

1.      QUESTION: Getting yelled at by the school’s principle is an example of what?

a.       ANSWER: monologue

2.      QUESTION: You get home an hour late and you mother lectures you for 15 minutes straight is an example of what?

a.       ANSWER: monologue

                                                ii.      Definition questions would look like this:

1.      QUESTION: a lengthy speech to other characters

a.       ANSWER: monologue

To create your questions just click on a square and enter your questions and answers. You can go back and edit your game board whenever you like by entering your board's URL and entering your email address again.



ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1, 3, 4:  

Study for test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term 

o   Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:§



·         We wrote literally (on the line) then wrote indirectly…using this class and the guidance office as our topic and target.

o   Discussed manipulation while writing indirectly…if you can’t say exactly what you want (on the line), how do you get what you want?

·         Discussed a situation where an angry mother tells her daughter that the daughter is NOT to ask her for another single favor for the next month!

o   And the play opens with the daughter in need of an immediate favor from the mother.

§  How do you write this script?

§  Where do you begin?

§  What options does the daughter have?

§  What would you, personally, do in this situation?

·         Rewrite someone else’s ECHO script…changing it from an echo to a sidestep


·         Also, turn in your echo scripts (not your sidestepped script)


Discussed direct and indirect dialogue (before getting our 3-page scripts returned) 

Continued to work on yesterday’s ECHO and SIDESTEPPED scripts 


Finish rewriting someone else’s ECHO script…changing it from an echo to a sidestep

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