1. First, write a SINGLE sentence of 10+ words that explains what you would have done over Christmas break if money was no object.
2. NEXT, go all Shakespeare on it and mix up the word order – making sure to use every word of your original sentence.
3. Read your sentence to someone and see if they can get the gist of what you are saying…
Open your books to page 807…
NEXT, rewrite the first 4 lines of the Prologue (pg. 807)…dumb down the language of each line so that a 2nd grader would understand it.
Take notes on HANDOUT: Romeo and Juliet Prologue…
(complete the rest of page 1 and all of page 2) as notes
Re: “Handout 1 - The Prologue to Act One” (taking notes on SONNETS)
1. Find Act 3, Scene 3, line 165…Copy down that line and its
page number.2. How many lines total are there in Act 1 scene 3?
3. Write down an example of unusual word order from page 812.
4. Using page 805, name which family each of the following characters belong: Tybalt, Romeo, Friar Lawrence, Lady Montague, Nurse
5. Mark the iambs in #1 above.
ENGLISH homework:
finish above
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