Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016


ENGLISH - Day 42


WARMUP: (to be collected in black bin on LARGE table)

1.     Using your books, summarize each of the 5 scenes of Act 3. One sentence per scene. 5 sentences total.

2.     People who have not read Romeo & Juliet often think of Juliet as a young, innocent little girl (13 to be exact). However, those of us who read the tragedy know she is much more DYNAMIC and complicated than that.

3.     List 3 things from the play that prove that Juliet is a DYNAMIC and complicated person.

4.     Recall sonnet rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg

a.     Look at sonnet lines 9, 11 (pg. 807) and lines 5, 7 (pg. 843)

b.     Write down what you notice?


Shakespeare's Accent: How Did The Bard Really Sound?



Practiced identifying character quotations from Act 3

ENGLISH homework:



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