ENGLISH - Day 40
Sign onto Schoology and take comma test…40 questions.
After comma test, on Schoology, CLICK and COMPLETE “Anger Metaphors”
NEXT, also on Schoology, if you didn’t finish yesterday, finish 50 questions: “Romeo & Juliet Act 2”
When finished, shut down computers…leave them on the tables…
FINALLY, begin your homework…
Read Act 3, Scene 1 – answer 7 questions (on paper) for tomorrow.
· Read Act 3, Scene 1…(pgs. 873 – 882): and answer the following 7 questions:
1. Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel, but Romeo refuses to fight. Reread lines 64-70 and fully explain WHY Romeo will not draw his sword.
2. Read lines 71-80. Explain WHY Mercutio (instead of Romeo) fights Tybalt.
3. WHY does Mercutio say, “A plague a both our houses,” AND what does he MEAN?
4. HOW is Mercutio partly responsible for his own death?
5. WHY did Romeo, who “loves” Tybalt, kill him, AND how does this reveal a character flaw in Romeo?
6. DESCRIBE the punishment the Prince decrees for Romeo at the end of Act III, Scene i. Infer (or reason) and explain why the Prince chooses this punishment.
7. In Act III, Scene I, lines 106-112 – Is this speech a soliloquy, an aside or a monologue. Explain.
ENGLISH homework:
Finish questions 1 – 7 above.
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