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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

ENGLISH – 2nd trimester – Day 32 

(Haiku, scene deconstruction)
  1. Get a copy of Juliet’s speech from Act 3.2.1-34…then
    1. Place an “x” before each line with the word “night” in it, then…
    2. Circle all words that you would like further defined
  2. Summarize Juliet’s speech in your own words.
  3. Review Act 3, Scene 2 – first, just Juliet’s speech using NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE,
    1. then the entire scene (original recipe)
  4. “NIGHT” – brainstorm 20 words you associate with "night"
  5. Create 2 haiku using some of the ideas from your brainstorm
    1. Where shall we go now?
    2. Only blackness shows the way…
    3. Why not break the rules?
  6. Choose any 7 words from Act 3.2.1-34 – write the best haiku using all 7 chosen words
    1. Love wilt come apace
    2. Impatient night is here
    3. Sold is love’s long path
    1. Love’s mansion lodging
    2. In Heaven’s great festival
    3. Her gentle news lies
    1. Gentle love lodging
    2. Brings news of a festival
    3. In heaven’s mansion
  7. Summarize each of our 3 haikus in one word each (you may not choose a word in your haiku).
    1. Note how these words are thematic…similar to how Shakespeare wrote on the differing themes of night? i.e. gentle night, civil night, wings of night, agrees with night…
Return 20 point paragraphs on vampires – review rubric – re-collect 

ENGLISH homework: 

In computer lab 140 we continued scripting our 5 minute scene (approx. 5 pages) and looked for ways to put our characters in extremes. Under pressure. In trouble. Within conflict. 
5 PAGES MINIMUM – due Wednesday 
PLAYWRITING homework: 
Continue working on script.

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