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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 26 

Punctuated “Dear John” letter 

Review yesterday’s classwork.
REVIEW: What does “PMR” stand for? PREVIEW/MARK/RESPOND 

How do we PREVIEW?  How do we MARK?  How do we RESPOND? 

Preview “Bitten by a vampire” article for 60 seconds. Discussed why we preview 

We read and MARKED “Bitten by a vampire” article with symbols. 

Introduced “Circles of Reflection” (John Powers)
·         The innermost circle is labeled “self.”   

Wrote a paragraph that addressed a specific fact from the article and explained how a specific group of people would care about it. COLLECTED 

ENGLISH homework: 




1.      Checked homework: 3 articles of concern 

2.      Deconstructed “The Descendants” scene from the 6 elements from the Science of Persuasion video notes…for each of the 4 characters in the scene, decide what who he was trying to persuade, decide what he was trying to persuade them to do, and explain HOW he used one of the following tactics:
    1. Reciprocity
    2. Scarcity
    3. Authority
    4. Consistency
    5. Liking
    6. Consensus
3.      Began homework 

PLAYWRITING homework: 

With 2 of our stories (last night’s homework), identify:
    1. the situation,
    2. conflict (real or imagined),
    3. journey, and
    4. theatricality

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