ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 10
· Take out your Literary Terms handout (page 2) – read the “Point of View” paragraph noting the 3 different kinds of narrators – then…
o Add one new definition to Point of View section:
§ Objective point of view is when a writer provides only facts.
· In Objective Point of View the reader has access to nobody's head.
· The advantage of Objective Point of View is that it’s a good discipline for you as the writer. It absolutely forces you to show-not-tell.
§ In Third Person Limited Point of View the reader has access to one person's head at a time.
§ In Omniscient Point of View the reader has access to everybody's head at the same time.
o DRAW pictures of each on notes
· DIRECTIONS: Make up one sentence for each of the 4 kinds of narrators from the story “The Most Dangerous Game” (1st person, limited omniscient, omniscient, objective)
· Take out Friday’s MDG classwork: paragraph on ending; 10 conflicts
1. List the CLIMAX of the story
2. Label the conflicts that took place in the Rising Action with an “R”
· Open book to page 22. Read about the gargoyle.
1. What is irony (see handout).
2. Why is the gargoyle knocker ironic?
· Is it sarcastic (verbal irony)?
· Identified metaphor, simile, personification in 7 examples from “The Most Dangerous Game”
· Pick up this week’s vocabulary words and look them over.
· Begin homework:
ENGLISH homework:
· Announce NEW test date.
1. Study for Wednesday’s test fill-in-blank and short answer test on “The Most Dangerous Game”
· Complete the following:
o Imagine that the only things the cyborg understands about how real human beings are to behave is from what he learns from “The Most Dangerous Game”
§ Write down 5 POSITIVE THINGS that he would learn about the behavior of humans if we inputted the story “The Most Dangerous Game” into his memory.
· Study for vocabulary test on Friday (the test will have a word bank and 20 fill-in-the-blank sentences – you provide the correct vocabulary word for each sentence)
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