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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


ENGLISH - 1st trimester – Day 17


"Everybody is a genius.  But, if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid."   Albert Einstein


·         BEFORE I collect your homework, complete the following:

    • Only typed papers will be collected (otherwise fill out a pink sheet)
    • Number your story 1 – 25.
    • Staple THEIR graph to your paper (on the top or bottom, doesn’t matter)
      • stapler on center table

·         Choose an emotion from the list. Compose an “Updike” sentence with a fulcrum word (before, while, after) that expresses that emotion figuratively, not literally.

·         Number a paper 1 – 11. Without peeking, from memory only, write down the 11 prefixes on tomorrow’s test.

·         On a clean paper, draw a T-chart with 3 columns and number it 1 - 11…

o   This is basically what your test will look like Friday. The prefixes will not be in alphabetical order! You will be asked to fill in blanks.

·         Think about your list of 25 events in your life as we listen to the following story:

o   “The Farmer’s Luck” by Jon J. Muth -  from Zen Shorts


o    As a follow up to our plotline assignment, answer questions 1-11… Perspectives of luck:

1.        Why was the farmer lucky that his horse had run away?

2.        Why was the son lucky to have broken his leg?

3.        When is a time that you have felt lucky?

4.        What is an example of a time you felt unlucky? How was this different from feeling lucky?

5.        What do you do when you feel unlucky?

6.        Give an example of a time when you felt unlucky but as time passed realized that you were actually lucky.

7.        Describe how a person could experience bad luck but still be happy.

8.        Describe a situation where a person you know had bad luck but is still successful.

9.        Explain how you think having good luck is necessary to being successful?

10.     If luck is not necessary to being successful than what is?

11.     Explain how “The Farmer’s Luck” and “The Interlopers” are related.


·         Reviewed “The Interlopers”


ENGLISH homework:


·         Study your flashcards (11 prefixes from “30-15-10” list) and your PINK master list for Friday’s PREFIX test.

·         You do NOT need to bring your Literature book to class on Thursday.

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