ENGLISH – HOURS 1 & 3 ONLY – Day 5
· Like we did for the cyborg, list at least 5 abilities/talents that you (or other people) would say YOU have.
· Next, write down what you hope to do with each of them in the future?
o Write down something different for each talent.
· Next, list 10 things that we would never buy no matter what (even if you had the money…you would still NEVER buy it).
o When finished, circle your 3 top choices.
· Give your list of 3 choices to someone at your table…(exchange papers)…
o Looking at their list of 3, choose 1 of their top 3…this will be your topic for this next assignment:
§ List 10 ways that this thing could be used…other than the obvious…
· For example: broccoli could be used as an eraser, giant powder puff, a small tree for my train set, as a microphone for a video, a door stopper, etc.
§ Next, using some of your list of 10 things, write a ½ page commercial that will persuade a person to buy the very thing they said they would never buy. (our first persuasive writing piece)
· Next:
o Pick up copy of Literary Terms handout
§ Read about the 6 different plotpoints including exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
o Next, students will write up a believable example of a made-up movie that takes place in our FC lunchroom using each of the 6 plotline points (exposition, conflict, rising action...etc).
§ They are to write down what would happen in your movie at each of the 6 different plotpoints.
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1 & 3 ONLY:
1. FINISH: List of 1-10 ideas and script for ½ page commercial for the thing that you would never buy (from yesterday’s classwork)
2. Think of one of your favorite books or films.
a. Next, number your paper 1 – 6.
b. Then, using your 6 plotline notes (see handout), write a short sentence for each of the 6 plotline points as they relate to your film.
3. Study vocabulary words for tomorrow’s test.
4. Bring Literature book tomorrow
ENGLISH – HOURS 4 & 5 ONLY – Day 5
· Students: Pick up a copy of the handout “Introduction to the Hero’s Journey”
· While I take attendance, students are to read the first page…
· “Introduction to the Hero’s Journey”
a. Use this handout to create and TYPE UP your own hero’s journey.
i. Simply follow the directions for the activity on page 2 and 3 of the handout.
b. Students are to type and print their answers by the end of the hour…even if they do not finish.
c. FINISH with pen or pencil for tomorrow.
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 4 & 5 ONLY:
Students should FINISH their Hero’s Journey assignment BY HAND…they can use pen or pencil to finish the assignment.
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