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Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 44

WARMUP: The older the story, the better. Write down the oldest family story that you’ve ever been told. If you can’t think of one, write down the oldest memory you have. 
Why do we tell each other stories? What would happen if we didn’t?

What do we do when we don’t know something? What did people before us do? How about people before them?

Completed and discussed two speed writes on “myth” and “hero.”

Discussed Persephone…read as an example of myth.

Romeo and Juliet “Jeopardy” review

ENGLISH homework:

Work on Romeo & Juliet projects (including 10-line memorization piece) – DUE Tuesday, May 22 – focus on the following rubric:

·        The story = 20 points (thorough, appropriate interpretation of important story elements, proper length)

·        Creativity = 10 points (ideas are unique and enjoyable)

·        Effort = 10 points (project is thoughtful and well-prepared; shows considerable effort; looks complete)

·        Recital = 10 points (TYPED COPY and considerable effort shown in memorization of 10 lines of Romeo & Juliet)

·        You may NOT memorize from these 2 speeches: “Two households…” or “But soft, what light…”

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