ENGLISH – HOURS 1 & 3 – Day 27
· Thinking about your #1 dislike….
o Write down how you respond and how you feel when you see this characteristic?
o Explain why you respond this way?
o OPEN-Notes POE test on Wednesday...take additional notes using these websites:
§ “Lov’d Alone” by Catherine Gourley: Find the complete text online: http://www.literarywonderland.com/wp-content/Websites/poe/LovdAlone.pdf
§ Introductory pages on Edgar Allan Poe (pgs. 276 – 285) – including “Letter to John Allan” and “Alone” for an open-notes test next week
· Our textbook is online at
o Username – rfc2018 Password – onlinebook
o PREFIX test this Friday…group #3…from
· Watch Tell-Tale Heart video (by Annette Jung) http://www.nicertube.com/okmb743x
…keeping in mind the following:
The killer in the story (“The Tell Tale Heart”) didn’t actually hate the man’s eye…but rather, the eye stood for something the man hates.
· Write a personal-journal-style paragraph about the following:
a. None of us are certified killers, but how do some people kind of “kill” the people they know who have the characteristic that they dislike?
i. List at least 4.
ii. Are we “mad” to behave this way?
b. Imagine a person who is unpleasant...
i. Do you follow your gut feeling about them every time you see (or think) of them? or do you sometimes consider their unfortunate past before passing judgment on them?
· Like all of us, Poe had unfortunate things happen in his life…abuse, poverty, death of loved ones, loss. And like all of us, he got to choose how he was going to deal with these things.
· TO BE COLLECTED…On the same paper:
o Write down a guess for each of the following questions:
- What do you think was General Zaroff’s “eye?”
- What do you think was Ulrich’s “eye?”
- Grab a copy of “Tell-Tale Heart” (center table)
- Re-read the 2 opening paragraphs to “The Tell-Tale Heart” (on center table) and then…
- Mimic POE’S STYLE of writing:
- Re-write the opening 2 paragraphs of a POE-LIKE story that introduces the disagreeable characteristic that you have tracked/counted these past 24 hours…PLEASE NOTE:
- Poe does not use ANY violence when setting up his story. Notice what he does instead.
- In your textbook, read all of page 286 and the first little piece of page 288…stop after reading “…wringing his hand”
- Then, on your paper, summarize the key events of what has happened so far in the story.
- TURN YOUR WORK IN FOR CREDIT (to the center table)
· On a separate paper, number it 1-30.
o Begin “cloze” reading (handout 1- 30) of annotated version of first page of “The Cask of Amontillado” - see handout and pg. 286 in Literature book – TO BE COLLECTED TOMORROW
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1 & 3:
· Study for Friday’s fill-in-the blank Prefix test #3 (the next 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” list) including the following prefixes from your sheet = # 23 – #33 (re – cred)
ENGLISH – HOURS 4 & 5 – Day 26
Announce test on Literary Terms this week THURSDAY
1. Review answers to Friday’s 5 question feet challenge:
Iamb: today, except
Trochee: dreadful, helpless, running, asking
Spondee: Drop dead! Bite this!
Anapest: To the lake, understand
Dactyl: withering, heavily, talk to me
2. PITADS follow up: Watch FLOW LIKE POE (song about iambs and trochee etc.):
a. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Z0VynTR84
3. Open books to Act 1, Scene 1, Line 157…read to the END of Act 1, Scene 3 (pg. 825)
a. First, read the summaries of scenes
i. http://www.shmoop.com/romeo-and-juliet/act-1-scene-2-summary.html
b. Next, listen to professional actors read the same two scenes…
4. Encouraged use of Romeo & Juliet navigator website and No Fear Shakespeare book:
a. http://www.shakespeare-navigators.com/romeo/SceneTextIndex.html
b. http://nfs.sparknotes.com/romeojuliet/
5. Memorize as much of your Dramatic Literary Terms handout as you can…we’ll start Jeopardy in 10 minutes…
o http://www.superteachertools.com/jeopardy/usergames/Mar201212/game1332198539.php
6. Study for Thursday’s test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term
ENGLISH homework:
- Study for test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term
- Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:
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