ENGLISH – HOURS 1 & 3 – Day 31
1. Pick up this week’s vocabulary words (#4)
2. DEFINITION: Foreshadowing: planting clues about what will happen later in a story
a. Reviewed foreshadowing quotes we found before from “The Cask of Amontillado.”
3. TO BE COLLECTED: Complete 2 handouts on FORESHADOWING.
4. DEFINITION: Subtext: what we imagine a person is thinking while they say or do something else.
a. ADD TO the bottom of YOUR FORESHADOWING ANSWERS: Choose 20 different points in the story, beginning on pg. 288 and ending at “…the clamorer grew still.” (pg. 292) For each of your 20 points,
i. write down a line/sentence of the story…word for word, then
ii. ADD SUBTEXT from Fortunato’s point of view.
1. Finish for homework.
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1 & 3:
Number a paper 1 – 20…choose 20 points in the story, beginning on pg. 288 and ending at “…the clamorer grew still.” (pg. 292) For each point, (a) quote the text and then (b) ADD SUBTEXT from Fortunato’s point of view.
Study for Friday’s vocabulary test (Lesson 4: elude, fallow, blight…)
ENGLISH – HOURS 4 & 5 – Day 31
o Using your book, list 6 different things that happened in Act 1.5.
· A brief summary of Act 1.5 from:
Act 1, Scene 5: At Capulet's house, Romeo and his friends enter as preparations are being made for the dancing. The musicians are tuning up, and the servants are hurrying to clear away the remains of the feast. . . . Capulet enters, greets the masked strangers, and invites them to dance. Romeo sees Juliet and says to himself that this is the first time he's seen true beauty. Tybalt recognizes Romeo and sends for his sword, but Capulet orders Tybalt to do nothing. Saying that he'll make Romeo pay, Tybalt leaves. . . . Romeo holds Juliet's hand, and begs a kiss, which she gives him. They kiss again, and then both are called away. As everyone is leaving, they each learn the name of the other, and they each exclaim upon the fate that has made each fall in love with his/her enemy.
· Write an example of a compound sentence.
- What makes it “compound”?
Comma notes:
· Discussed the evil comma splice and how to eliminate it from sentences
o (INCORRECT): The woman in the blue dress is my neighbor, she is rather tall.
o (CORRECT): The woman in the blue dress is my neighbor, FANBOYS she is rather tall.
§ For: cause/effect
And: addition
Nor: choice
But: contrast
Or: choice
Yet: contrast
So: result
· Practice identifying comma splices
a. AAAWWUBBIS – After, Although, As, While, When, Until, Before, Because, If, Since) at the beginning of one of the independent clauses and joining the two independent clauses.
b. Add 2 of the following 4 examples TO YOUR NOTES:
- If you do not understand the directions, you can read them again.
- Before you write the sentence, you should read other people's sentences.
- After you have read them all, you can try to use a different AAAWWUBBIS word.
- Although you may not understand all this, you can follow the examples.
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 4 & 5:
Study for Friday’s “Who Said It” test – use the below samples as a place to start:
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