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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ENGLISH – HOURS 1 & 3 – Day 27
·         Using your brain, a phone, and a dictionary…FINISH “cloze” reading (handout 1- 30) of annotated version of first page of “The Cask of Amontillado” - see pg. 286 in Literature book
·         Read “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe (pgs. 286 – 292)
To be collected:
Answer the following questions about “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe
  1. Why did Montressor repeatedly offer to let Fortunato leave the catacomb?
  2. What did Montressor “dislike” about Fortunato?
  3. Why did Montressor keep mentioning the niter?
  4. Who was Luchesi and what was his profession?
  5. Draw a picture of Montressor’s coat of arms (see pg. 289)
  6. List the order of emotions that Fortunato experiences once chained to the wall. (starting on pg. 291) There are 8 total.
  7. How does Poe show us that Fortunato is getting more drunk? List 2 examples.
  8. Poe uses both Latin and Italian language in this story. Write down one example of each language from the story.
  9. Take out your Literary Terms packet and review definitions of: mood, irony, foreshadowing, imagery
    1. Write down 8 examples (2 of each) of mood, irony, foreshadowing, imagery from “Cask of Amontillado” (pgs. 286 – 292 in textbook or ) – DIRECTLY QUOTING THE TEXT - WORD FOR WORD for each example – TO BE COLLECTED
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1 & 3:
·         REMINDER:
o   OPEN-Notes POE test on Wednesday...take additional notes using these websites:
§  “Lov’d Alone” by Catherine Gourley: Find the complete text online:
§  Introductory pages on Edgar Allan Poe (pgs. 276 – 285) – including “Letter to John Allan” and “Alone” for an open-notes test next week
·         Our textbook is online at
o   Username – rfc2018    Password – onlinebook
·         Study for Friday’s fill-in-the blank Prefix test #3 (the next 11 prefixes from “30-15-10” list) including the following prefixes from your sheet = # 23 – #33 (re – cred)
ENGLISH – HOURS 4 & 5 – Day 27
o   Pick up your WEBQUEST
o   Watch “How and Why We Read – Crash Course” video (7 minutes)
1.      Using your “Dramatic Literary Terms to Know” handout…
a.       create 7 Jeopardy-like questions (and answers)
b.      write an epithet for yourself
c.       In a paragraph of 4 sentences or more, describe how a person forms an opinion about love or marriage.
d.      In another paragraph, write about your feelings and attitudes about love and marriage.
e.       If some people would INFER that if a person says, “I love horror movies” that same person is also either…
                                                  i.      weird, violent, creepy, scary, fearless, sad, or they like adrenaline rushes, or are evil, or violent, or bored…
                                                ii.      Name 4 things some people might INFER about someone who says, “Nothing happened at school today.”
2.      INTRODUCTION: Today you will use the first 3 scenes of Act 1 to explore LOVE and MARRIAGE and identify each of the 7 main characters experience with, feelings about, or attitudes toward love and/or marriage.
a.       DIRECTIONS: Complete i, and ii for each of the 7 characters below:
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Lady Capulet
                                                  i.      Write the words, “Because (character) says, “_______(fill-in with word for word quote)______________________________” (about love or marriage), the following story about him must be true:  ________(not obvious)______________.
1.      Do not simply say, “Because he says _______, he is creepy.”
                                                ii.      Write the line numbers for each quote (ex. Act 1.2.34-39)
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 4 & 5:
·         Finish assignment above: 7 characters from Act 1 – love and marriage
·         Study for test on the “Dramatic Literary Terms” handout – be able to identify both the definitions and examples of each term
·         Use the link below to practice with the Jeopardy game:

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