ENGLISH – 3rd trimester – Day 40
· Watch approx. 23 minutes of the “balcony scene” from NEW VIDEO (Romeo & Juliet)
Finish Act 2 packet Q’s 21 – 49 (due tomorrow)
AFTER THEY FINISH Q’s 21 – 49, they are to BEGIN the following assignment:
The three stages of the following Balcony scene activity:
1. STAGE 1: Using Act 2.2 (pp. 845-853), choose the 3 most important lines from every 20 lines of the scene. In other words, from lines 1-20, choose the 3 most important. From lines 21-40, choose 3 more. Continue this all the way through the scene until p. 853. You should end up with 27 lines total.
2. STAGE 2: Next, using the 27 lines you chose, reduce them to 27 key words. Circle 1 word from each of your previously chosen 27 lines. These words may repeat themselves and may not make perfect sense, but should include the 27 most important themes of each line.
3. STAGE 3: You are to rewrite your 27 lines from Stage 1
a. Simplify the words of each line.
i. Dumb them down so that a young person could understand.
b. Keep the same meaning of each line.
ENGLISH homework – HOURS 1, 3, 4:
Act 2 packet (Q’s 21-49) due Thursday
1. There are not enough handouts (of the young soldier) for everyone, so have them SHARE. Explain to them that they will be writing for exactly 15 minutes AS THIS SOLDIER. They will write a first-person monologue.
i. Write in first person (you are Edwin Tennison)
ii. Write what you imagine he was thinking as the photo was being taken.
iii. You must write constantly for the 15 minutes.
1. No finishing early!!
2. Ask students to underline all the interesting things they just wrote.
3. Next, ask them to choose, from their underlined parts, their very best single sentence and to CIRCLE it.
4. Next, beginning with that sentence, they are to write again. Expanding on that idea.
- Only for 5 minutes this time.
5. Next, working alone and using bits and pieces of either the 15-minute monologue or the 5 minute extension (or both), you are to
- work the rest of the hour writing a script that has at least 2 additional characters and where you (Edwin Tennison) and other soldiers are waiting for the fighting to begin.
6. You may use as much or as little of your work from yesterday as you like. Your scripts should look like 45 minutes’ worth of writing.
7. Scripts, stapled to your monologues from yesterday, are to be COLLECTED AT THE END OF THE HOUR
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