Now in its 6th edition

It's a date...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013


ENGLISH – 2nd trimester – Day 1


o   Read the Holstee manifesto: “This is your life…” To see a copy of the manifesto, click here:

o   Without looking, what do you remember from it?

§  Every day will start with information on the monitors. Read it.

o   Wrote a paragraph (5 sentences minimum) about a single line of the manifesto that related directly to our own life. COLLECTED

o   Be contrary. List 5 reasons some people would disagree with your chosen statement.

·         Completed the 20-question NO-COUNT pre-test for Trimester B.

Pre-play Poll:

1.            Violence can solve problems.

2.            Boyfriends and girlfriends are more important than family.

3.            There are times when secrets must be told.

4.            Teenagers don’t know what true love really feels like.

5.            Parents should have the final say in the people that you date.

6.            A boyfriend or girlfriend is worth killing yourself over.

7.            You are the pilot of your own life. There is no greater force determining your outcome. You determine your own outcome.

8.            You should know someone for at least a year before you marry them.

9.            Deceiving people is all right if it is for a good cause in the long run.

10.          Parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s choices.

11.          “Luck” is a figment of someone’s imagination; there is no such thing as luck.

12.          Love at first sight is possible.

Choose 5 of the 12 statements above.

    1. Read the statement.
    2. Write down the statement, word for word.
    3. Without repeating the statement, write down 5 sentences that explains why you either agree or disagree with it.

ENGLISH homework:








·         Made a list of all the plays we have seen and all the movies we have seen.

    • Discussed one of the key differences between playwriting and screenwriting…the stage itself. Plays occur on stages, movies can happen anywhere and with many scene changes, sometimes many within a single minute.


·         Next, listed how playwriting must differ from screenwriting – discussed


·         Read article: Five Reasons Why Writing Plays Can Make You a Better Screenwriter by Jonathan Dorf




§  None

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